The Team

We are a family!

  • Chief Dad Officer

    If the life journey of our Chief Dad Officer was a film, it would be the odd marriage of Black Hawk Down, Never Ending Story and Fresh (1994). He’s dyslexic, often dreaming so can’t hear what others says to him. And he loves spending time with his daughters, also known as Chief Magic and Chief Fun Officers.

    Favourite element: In the garden, studio or alone
    Favourite food: Cakes!
    Moto: Hell is other people, but so is Heaven

  • Chief Fun Office

    Our CFO is enamoured of anything with wheels, from scooters to tractors. She takes time to admire and explore every flower, leaf and fruit she encounters on her way to school. Known for her laughter, and is the heart of every party.

    Favourite element: Dancing, with everyone
    Favourite food: Everything
    Moto: Of course I can do it!

  • Chief Magic Officer

    Our one of a kind Chief Magic Officer loves books, spending time in her room and making potions. She is often quiet, observing and thinking.

    Favourite elements: Daydreaming, anywhere
    Favourite food: As long as it is white or yellow and in small portions
    Moto: Let me think about it